IELTS , the International English Language Testing System, is an internationally recognized English language assessment of the highest quality and validity readily available across the globe, including Vancouver, Burnaby, and Richmond.
How to register for an IELTS test in Richmond.
Step 1
To receive an IELTS Application Package, please send your request to the IELTS Test Centre at Simon Fraser University by:
- fax: 778-782-7223
- e-mail: [email protected]
- phone: 778-782-5930
Please include the correct spelling of your first and last name and complete mailing address and allow 7-10 days for receipt of the package.
Or download the application form from, and download information for candidates (both are pdfs).
Step 2
Once the application form is completed, mail, along with payment, to:
IELTS Test Centre
Simon Fraser University
8888 University Drive
Burnaby BC
V5A 1S6
Or, bring the application in person to:
InfoReg Counter
SFU Harbour Centre
515 West Hastings Street
Vancouver BC
Hours: Monday to Thursday: 10:00am – 7:00pm, and Friday 10:00am-5:00pm..
- Do not bring your application in person to the IELTS Test Centre in Burnaby. The Test Centre does not keep regular hours, and we do not accept in-person registrations.
Do not fax your application to the IELTS Test Centre. Only original applications will be processed.
Application deadlines
The original IELTS Application Form and the test fee must be received by the Test Centre at least seven (7) working days before the test date. The Test Centre reserves the right to close a particular test date early if all spaces are full. Registrations which cannot be accommodated on the earliest test date requested will be put forward to the candidate’s “second choice” test date at that centre. Applications are not transferred between centres.
Passport/Permanent Resident Card (PRC) required
Candidates must:
- supply a valid passport or PRC number on their application form
- attach a scanned copy or photocopy of their PRC or passport page that contains a photo, passport number, and signature
On the day of the test, candidates are required to show their PRC or passport (the same as listed on the application form) at Registration and throughout the day. Candidates who do not bring their passport /PRC will not be permitted to write the test.
NOTE: Please be advised that if you have sent your passport to an institution for renewal or other reasons, it is your responsibility to ensure you have your passport with you on test day.
Confirmation required
Upon receipt of the IELTS Application Form and test fee, the Test Centre will send a letter of confirmation, stating registration details including test location, room, etc. Telephone or email confirmation may also be made. Only those candidates who have received written or verbal confirmation will be allowed to take the test.